The significance of a Shiva Linga
Har Har Mahadev
We all know what a Shiva Linga is. Most of us have grown up worshipping it and visit to a Shiva temple would mean worshipping the Linga with milk and flowers that are specifically meant for Lord Shiva only.
But have we ever wondered why exactly do we do so? Read on to learn more about Lord Shiva and his connection with the Shiva Linga.
The Shiva Linga has been a constant presence in all Hindu temples. An elliptical figure placed atop a circular base called ‘peedam’ has given rise to many a interpretations. In reality, a Shiva Linga consists of three main parts. The bottom part which is four sided remains underground, the middle part which is eight sided remains on a pedestal and the top part that is actually worshipped, is round. The pedestal provides a passage for the water and milk which is poured on it.
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